
   The Return

We are near the launch of The Return and in the very near future Bill and Dwayne will be launching the book through different outlets. Bill Bryden is a gifted seer in the spirit realm and has seen many visions of the last seven years, the time of Tribulation. When Bill and I met, I shared the revelation of the Feasts and Jacob's return to Israel. Bill then shared all the visions he has had including Jesus Christ's return. Bill goes to HEAVEN (in the spirit) and has given many words that are encouraging to the Body of Christ. We will begin to travel to launch The Return and we would like to hear from you. If you would like us to come to your church with a prophetic word and you would like to receive a fresh word from THE LORD in HEAVEN, we would be happy to bring our team to your CHURCH and give you a fresh word concerning your future and destiny.
Please help us launch The Return and we promise to help set your church on fire, bring revival, and set you on a fresh Destiny in the Lord, so that you can
'Soar like an Eagle' and accomplish every thing the Lord has for you.

You can contact us on the home page under Contact Us.

We are booking appointments with Churches now, for the very near future.

Dwayne Wigemyr

Billy Bryden

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